In modern countries such as USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, women there are lucky for not being too much burdened with 'protecting honor' responsibility. I don't really know how free the women there are from honor-shame system. Maybe women in rural parts of these countries are just like some parts of Pakistan, Afghanistan or India, who knows?
This 'honor-shame system' is only put on women. Typically only women are expected to keep their virginities and their virginities are equivalent to the availability of their hymens. According to the societies that have this 'honor-shame system', hymen = virginity = honour. This crappy uncivilised system has often comitted honour-killing of female rape victims, putting rape victims to jail, forcing rape victims to marry their rapists to restore family's honours and limiting women's rights and freedoms because their main responsibility for their families is to protect families' honours.
Hymen does not only break during first intercourse. Horse-riding may also cause the breaking of hymens. There are also some women who still have hymens even though they have had intercourse before. So virginity = hymen is just stupid.
Honour-shame system is really widespread in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, most lands in Middle East (including Israel and Georgia).
This system or custom is unfair and sexist because it is only put on women. When a man sexually assaults a woman, the man is not considered to be breaking his family's honour while the poor woman is the one who is considered to be breaking her family's honour / bringing shame to family, according to this system.
No one cares whether a man is a virgin or not but women are highly expected to keep virginity befpre marriage. If a man and a woman are caught having sex outside of marriage, the woman is the one that is mostly looked down on while people don't really give a damn about the man, according to this system.
In Saudi Arabia, one of the reasons of why women must cover up in all-black clothes is because it is a way for women to protect their and families' honours and to honour themselves. So how about men? How should men keep their honours? Men can wear normal and casual clothes while women can only be covered in all-black when leaving home because of honour? Is every woman naturally a dishonour so to honour themselves is to cover up in fully black?
How come only women must keep virginity while whether a man is a virgin or not should not be given a damn about?
Women are humans. Women are neither objects of sexual exhibitions nor sexual / shameful / precious / ornamental objects that must be hidden.
I am NOT suggesting or supporting sexual promiscuity of women here but I am just expressing how much I am against honor-shame system.
This system should be thrown from all over the world to garbage sites.